What is English Café

Jde o to se jednou týdně potkat u kávy nebo u piva a povídat si anglicky. Bez učebnic, lektorů a vstupného. Zaplatíte jen za to, co vypijete. Nové známosti, lepší angličtina! Vhodné pro začátečníky i pokročilé. Jediné pravidlo je: MLUVÍME POUZE ANGLICKY.

Once a week we meet over a cup of coffee or a glass of beer to sharpen our English skills. No textbooks, no lectors, no entry fee. You pay just for what you drink. New friends, new ways! The only rule is ENGLISH SPEAKING ONLY.

Come and join us! It’s free!
We meet every Tuesday at 6 pm
The venue changes every week.

Coffee cups

English Café Activities

Why we love English Café

         English for Everybody

You will always learn something new, if you are a beginner or a native speaker!

English café provides great opportunity to speak English in a friendly atmosphere of a local restaurant. You will learn useful words, practice your communication skills, and develop your talent for English. No matter how long you spend at English Café, we guarantee a fun and exciting experience for all.

Meeting expats

Ready, Set, Go

You will always learn something new, if you are a beginner of a native speaker! English café provides great opportunity to speak English in a friendly atmosphere of a local restaurant. You will learn useful words, practice your communication skills, and develop your talent for English. No matter how long you spend at English Café, we guarantee a fun and exciting experience for all.

Get to know local restaurants

Enjoy variety of local food and drinks

Our English Café takes place in different locations every week. This is a great option for those wishing to taste different local dishes, coffee of beer. You will have an opportunity to explore local impressive facilities and staff and enjoy different atmosphere every meeting.

“Experience is the teacher of all things”

Julius Caesar

Latest events / NEWS

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Thank you all for a nice and funny evening with you. It was amazing. I hope to see you again.

Jarmila Klohnová

What an evening! Thank you so much guys, you're the best!

Vojtěch Starý

Thank you for your warm welcome to a native Brit! It was great to meet a few of you and hope to see you again at another meet.


MEET The team